Business Blog

IDB Seminar Calls for Sharia-based Multi-dimensional Development Indicators

Jeddah, 07.05.2014 A two-day seminar on Maqasid al-Shariah-based Index for Socio-Economic Development recently organized at the IDB Headquarters in Jeddah by the Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) of the Islamic Development Bank(IDB) Group highlighted the importance of developing Shariah-based multi-dimensional indices to facilitate policy making and for comprehensive



  975 Hits

IDB Seminar Calls for Sharia-based Multi-dimensional Development Indicators

Jeddah, 07.05.2014 A two-day seminar on Maqasid al-Shariah-based Index for Socio-Economic Development recently organized at the IDB Headquarters in Jeddah by the Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) of the Islamic Development Bank(IDB) Group highlighted the importance of developing Shariah-based multi-dimensional indices to facilitate policy making and for comprehensive



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US productivity and output fall

US productivity and output fall; UK car industry drives ahead; growth in China services indusrtry slows



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Easyjet develops inspection drones

Easyjet is developing drones to inspect its fleet of Airbus aircraft, and may introduce the flying maintenance robots as early as next year.



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OECD pushes for eased trade in services

Emerging economies in particular are placing obstacles to trade in services, which nevertheless is growing more rapidly than the trade in goods



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Yellen warns on US housing market risk

Chairwoman of the Federal Reserve highlights economic threats even as she tells Congress a rebound in spending and production is under way



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